This is where you stop piecemeeling your health together and start taking control. Hire me as your nutrition coach so that you can get back to living the life you imagined.

Would you like to :

  • stop living with limited mobility due to joint pain and inflammation?
  • come home from work and still have energy to play with your kids, pets or hang with your friends or partner?
  • feel like you have some control over what is happening in your body?
  • make plans without worry that you will have to cancel last minute? 
  • not rely on pain meds, antacids or that pink drink?
  • have fun and connect with people again?
  • get out of bed with energy for the day?
  • feel younger?
  • start to thrive again?

And you know :

  • your health is everything and investing in improving it will change the rest of your life
  • that you are done feeling helpless
  • you are worthy of a life without the limitations of daily pain and disruptive symptoms
  • changing your insides will change your outsides
  • putting yourself / your health first is true self love
  • that doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting a different result is frustrating
  • you want your care free life back

Then I'm here to help and support you as your health coach

Why Me?

Natalie of Raven and Thyme

I’ve been through a lot of pain, debilitating symptoms, limiting beliefs from the medical system on what is possible, too much money spent on recovering instead of living and even more time spent on figuring out how to find relief and get back to living life. Where you are now does not have to be where you will be in the future. I know this as true.

I am also a Cordon Bleu Culinary school grad and have put that to use in commercial kitchens for over a decade. I have the skills to help you make cooking easier.

I believe in the power of food so much I went back to school to find an easier way. Holistic nutrition has given me the education to apply research to why and how nutrient dense foods have the power to reverse symptoms and restore life.

What will you do with all your freed up time, energy and pain free living?

We're a match (like avocado on toast) if you're :

  • determined to find another way than taking medications for the rest of your life
  • willing to take on the roll of Chief Health Officer of your own life and take back control
  • committed to discovering what is causing your pain and inflammation and start making changes
  • open to the fact that food can impact the body in both supporting and unsupporting ways
  • believe you are worthy of being healthy
  • ready to ask for help because you know everyone has their strengths and it’s time you got back to yours
  • f*@king fed up

What does working together look like?

First, we start exactly where you are right now.Your symptoms are like clues, and like Sherlock Holmes, we discover ways to reduce and / or relive them.

Having someone to check in with on a regular basis both makes you accountable and gives you the support necessary to make your transformation lasting and fun.

We create meal ideas together that fit your preferences, time and budget as well as making them nutritious and delicious.

We build in an anti-inflammatory system so that you feel confident in taking on the role of Chief Health Officer for yourself.

You, living life again and loving it!


I am not a doctor.

A doctor is perfect for diagnosing and managing disease, prescribing medications, doing surgeries and a whole host of necessary and life saving treatments. Many of us wouldn’t be alive without them.

However, they are not trained in holistic nutrition. And that’s okay.

You wouldn’t call your accountant to fix the leak in your toilet, would you? 

The good thing is, all modalities can work together for the benefit of you.

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